Saturday, January 31, 2009

tourism is fun

It's very late here and my roommates are both asleep, so I'll make this quick and mostly pictures. Today we went to a touristy spot just to chill out, it was great, hanging out with a bunch of exchange students all in the same boat as far as language.
hammocks in the backyard.
ants carrying stuff!!!
gigantic dead rotting moth stuck to a tree...

the backyard. hellz yes.

we also went to the bay but like i said my roommates are trying to sleep with my bright laptop light shining in their faces... so go to the following for more pics: for normal photos

and for artsiness!


Friday, January 30, 2009

Exchange Students + Photobooth =



Here I am!
Heck yes.
So this morning me and the two other girls heading to Panama said goodbye to the other AFS USA kids and got ready to board our plane. We sat around for a long time, constantly worrying we'd missed some important information, and located another AFS kid, Gisli. Gisli is from Iceland and he, too, was on his way to Panama and we talked with him for a long time. He's very tall, very blond, very blue-eyed.
The plane ride was long (well, like two and a half hours) and hot and uncomfortable, as usual.
Then we arrived.
Immigracion is SUPER confusing when you don't speak that much espanol and the lady at the desk is trying to break down the words for you and you're like "umm... estudiante... seis ... months... um... hablo solo un poquito de espanol! Gracias!" but I made it... Apparently we all have to go back there on Monday to get our actual Visas to stay here. After Monday we'll get to go to our host families and start the real deal, I guess.

We're staying in an old house with new facilities, in some other girls' room. There is a large television in our room that we are currently watching "SuperNanny" on... in English. Hellz yeah.

So far, Panama is beautiful. I love it, in all its humidity. I think it smells like PopRocks, but the other two girls just give me funny looks when I say that. I dunno.

We saw some crazy critter when we went for a quick walk up the street:
We think that it might be a paca (conejo pintado), but we don't really know.

So: I am alive, I'm in Panama, it's hot, it's amazing, it smells like Poprocks.

peace, mates. :)

More pictures up on:

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Here I Am In Florida

Apparently it is freezing and raining back home, but home is thousands of miles away right now, and here in Miami it is 80 degrees and humid. Mom and I arrived yesterday morning and went to the Miami Metrozoo.

We wandered around the zoo until our sleep-deprived bodies couldn't take it anymore.
Today we drove to the Keys and experienced the joy of seeing tiny brown lizards running around everywhere. We ate lunch at a restaurant called Snappers, at the request of my aunt.

I don't know how often I'll be online once I actually get to Panama, but I promise I'll keep you few brave souls who read this updated.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Toe the Line

Twelve days to take-off and the drama is growing: My exchange program is fighting for my attention while School, Speech & Debate, and Boys warm up in the opposite corner.

I only hope I make it out alive.